When you sign ANY contract/application there are basic, recognized, enforced, principles of fairness that exist in law regarding the FULL DISCLOSURE of the contract and it being written in clear, understandable terms, you need to be given time to read it and understand it.
…judge found them liable for fraud and breach of contract for lying to women about how their explicit videos would be distributed…
Can you think of any contracts you entered into that really did not disclose the full terms, or have did not have the consequences to you explained etc., or you did not read and fully understand BEFORE you signed/applied?
Uh, like a drivers license, marriage license, Social Insurance, Social Security, mortgage and on and on?
Did you know the drivers license information is SOLD to commercial buyers (not sure about the others). So they benefit by selling your info without telling you.
Does harm come to you from these contracts in ways you never knew and were not properly explained in plain language? Like waving your right MEMBERS ONLY CONTENT! To Access, please sign up at: https://member.suewrongdoers.com/why-be-a-member/
What to do? WHAT TO DO?
Get educated. Maybe, don’t DO anything until you fully understand what you are doing, why you are doing it and the possible consequences of doing it.
Here’s another case dealing with fairness principles in contracts recently decided by the Supreme Court of Canada dealing with “common law test for forum selection clauses” and highlighting the principle of “gross inequality of bargaining power between the parties and the nature of the rights at stake” among other principles.
The Post linked below mostly addresses the recognition of natural person status but the case deals with “gross inequality of bargaining power between the parties and the nature of the rights at stake” and when one party has all the power the contract can be interpreted to the benefit of the weaker party, or even void sections of the contract entirely, so confirms the Supreme Court of Canada which is binding upon all other courts in Canada.
Fairness in ALL contracts (even porn contracts). Great principles of law everyone should know about, but few people are ever told.
BC Courts Recognize “British Columbia resident natural persons”