Provocative title, yes? Let’s chat a bit.
Many years ago slavery was common place, legal and justified as righteous – by the slave owners (many of who were lawmakers). The slaves had a different opinion, which did not matter, because the LAW said it was OK and sick minds, “moralized” as “it was doing the slaves a favour to raise them up and give them this opportunity for honest work”.
The problem was, and is, slavery works through FORCE and FEAR and POWER wielded without compassion, without conscience, without spiritual maturity and with a perverted self interest. Wrongdoers always justify their wrong actions and evil wrongdoers will attack those who try to stop or right the wrongs being carried out.
NOTE: there are two broad forms of slavery in my mind, the physical is the the oldest and most horrible and the newer, more subtle ‘exploitation’ occurring in first world countries as well with ‘average people’ en masse and largely ignored as a problem. I ask you, if you can advance civilization to reduce physical exploitation but trade it for a life of fear and coercion at the hand of government is the problem gone or just less obvious? If we cannot choose to be free of government exploitation what chance do we have in eradicating more obvious, vile, physical slavery?
The nature of evil, I believe, is a lack of compassion, lack of conscience and lack of spiritual maturity driven to feel SOMETHING, ANYTHING good, like being powerful or being in control. For evil is weakness hiding in the shadows, a hollowed out shell of being that is missing, lacking, cut off from the light.
Evil is not real power, it is the absence of power which seeks to live off of the force and domination of others as substitute for real power because it lacks it’s own.
Today’s governments, claiming to mean well, do more harm than good, oftentimes. Too large, too bloated and too full of people who get their sense of worth from dominating others, is a stereotype of governments, for a reason, AND there are good, honest, caring people in government that need to find the strength to stand up against those poisoning the good government CAN do, but rarely does.
Let’s look at human trafficking. A relatively recent set of laws meant to do good, to stop the horrid practice of people, corporations or any entity trying to own, control, dominate, enslave, use forced labour or servitude. An honorable goal for sure.
There is an old saying, “those who live in glass houses should not throw stones” or the biblical quote:
“You false one, first take out the bit of wood from your eye, then will you see clearly … then you will see clearly how to remove the splinter from your brother’s eye.”- Matthew 7:5, Luke 6:42
I’m going to make a BOLD claim and as such present some information to back it up. Those in government should check out government’s own mode of operating if they really care about change.
Your government is almost certainly in the Human Trafficking business BIG TIME (as defined by their own laws).
As defined by the United Nations :
The act of recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons … by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person … for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum:
- the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation,
- forced labour or services,
- slavery or practices similar to slavery,
- servitude,
- or the removal of organs.
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Are You A Victim of Human Trafficking?
- Are you forced under threat of financial, legal penalty or jail to pay 20-30-40-50% or more of your income to a government?
- Are you forced under threat to send your children to a public school, with a mandatory government curriculum, or forced to follow the mandatory government curriculum at home schooling (if legal in your area)?
- Are you forced under threat as a business owner to collect taxes for the government and absorb the cost of doing so?
- Are you forced under threat to vaccinate your children, or yourself?
- Are you forced under threat to seek permission, permits, licenses for almost everything?
- Are forced under threat to buy medical insurance?
- Are you EVER given a free will choice to opt out with no threat or penalty, until you choose to opt in?
If you are under threat and have no free choice, you are not free, you are being coerced for… the purposes of exploitation.
Each of these things indicate a LOSS of freedom and control to live your life free of interference and domination…all under threat. Each of these deny free will, each of these kill choice, each of these is coercion so you can be exploited.
Have you sought to remove yourself from any of these systems and been threatened, mocked, intimidated, arrested, passport removed, prosecuted or imprisoned?
Congratulations, you, as defined by law, are a victim of human trafficking. Sadly, complaining to those who profit from your being trafficked won’t agree, because it is “in your best interest and they are helping you”, everyone must pay “their fair share” (of what, the booty?). Sound familiar?
If you try to claim/demonstrate you are free to choose and claim you are in the private, leave-me-alone-status, you are lied to, deceived, threatened, intimidated and persecuted.
Does your government offer you “benefits” to join their “program” using deceit and coercion while they threaten you if you do not join?
Let us look at the definition of Human Trafficking again…
The United Nations Trafficking in Persons Protocol defines Trafficking in Persons as:
The act of recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons … by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person … for the purpose of exploitation.
Exploitation shall include, at a minimum:
- the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation,
- forced labour or services,
- slavery or practices similar to slavery,
- servitude,
- or the removal of organs.
You are manipulated through deception and threat of legal action if you do not ‘voluntarily’ join their program. You are persecuted if you refuse to join.
When you are required to hand over ANY amount of your compensation for your labour to a third party who will bring stress, legal threats and jail to you if you do not participate in their “legal” deceitful scheme of confiscation you ARE a victim of exploitation, falling under the definition of Human Trafficking… even if it is your government doing it.
Slavery has gone legit and is for everyone! If you can’t say no and you can’t choose for yourself you are a slave to another’s wishes and a victim of the force they will you against you to get you to “voluntarily consent”.
This not new just more subtle, more pervasive and harder to recognize unless you look at the concept of what is freedom and do you really have it – if considered deeply and honestly. You are a slave to the government until the government is held accountable for the institutionalized deceptions, coercion and exploitation.
It’s not getting better, it is getting worse and people are starting to notice…
Welcome to the real.
NOTE: I did a webinar a while ago with a fellow who stood up to the government on this issue, the government demands to collect taxes amounts to slavery – Jean-Serge Brisson – his book “Tea Party of One” – the webinar is here…