Share Your Research/Experiences

You can provide information big and small to assist in gathering the experiences and the evidence to support the overall research and actions, specific to your jurisdiction, or general benefit.

If you wish to do the research or have research on your jurisdiction we will review and post it for others to access under a special page for your jurisdiction.

If you have application experiences or witness testimony you wish to share, please do so.


Inquire about starting, co-ordinating or assisting with special projects:

  • living in the private
  • doing private business
  • private bank accounts
  • mortgage fraud
  • driving without a license
  • driving without insurance
  • court process
  • court fraud



To send info to us complete this form

(attach files up to 5 meg)

organized Word docs with hot links are great to send and help with speedy posting:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

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